Jemaat Yang Berpengetahuan Alkitab
Menjawab Tantangan Pelayanan Masa Kini
Keywords: biblical knowledge, congregation, pastoral ministry.Abstract
Biblical knowledge is an essential need not only for Pastors, priests, or other servants of God, but also for the congregation as church members. This paper discusses the fundamental role of biblical knowledge in shaping and mobilizing the church community in the contemporary era. With a focus on the shepherd's role as an educator and the people as learners, this research explores how a solid understanding of the Bible serves as a crucial foundation in responding to the challenges faced in the context of church ministry today. Through reviewing various relevant methods of teaching the Bible, this paper illustrates the importance of spiritual education in forming a resilient congregation ready to address the ongoing changes of the times. The research is conducted through descriptive qualitative methods, leading to the conclusion that: Biblical knowledge plays a vital role in the spiritual growth of the congregation and the overall life of the church; Having good biblical knowledge helps church members to grow in faith, confront false teachings, and provide resources for spiritual ministry; Teaching methods of the Bible in pastoral care, such as discipleship, Sunday school programs, and conducting seminars/webinars, play a key role in strengthening faith and theological understanding among church members.
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